
Your Trusted Accounting Partner

Our services encompass a broad spectrum of financial solutions, including tax planning and preparation, bookkeeping, financial analysis, and business consulting.

Who We Are

These are accounting services that can be fully trusted and are oriented towards meeting the needs of clients. We are not just service providers; we are reliable financial partners who understand the unique aspects and requirements of your business. We are committed to helping you achieve your financial and business goals and working together for your success

In addition, we try to make financial processes as smooth and worry-free as possible. Let us take care of organizing financial matters so that you can focus on what you do best – managing your company and achieving success.

Modern approach brings simple solutions

We have one simple goal - make accountancy as simple as possible. We have invested our resources to simplify accountancy process for our customers.

Our Clients

Your opinion matters to us greatly. We appreciate the feedback and your trust in our creative projects!

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Nëse e hapi nje biznes te ri, pas sa dite duhet te pajisemi me arke fiskale sipas ligjit te ri?
Nëse e hapi nje biznes te ri, pas sa dite duhet te pajisemi me arke fiskale sipas ligjit te ri?

Nese jeni biznes i ri dhe shitjet i beni direkt tek qytetaret, atehere ju si biznes jeni te obliguar te beni kerkese per blerje te arkes fiskale menjehere. Kurse Kryesi i shërbimeve është i obliguar që t’iu përgjigjet të gjitha kërkesave të tatimpaguesve për t’u pajisur me PEF/SF në afatin më së largu pesëmbëdhjetë 15 ditë nga data e paraqitjes…

ATK ndryshon procedurat për pajisje me Vërtetim Tatimor
ATK ndryshon procedurat për pajisje me Vërtetim Tatimor

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Njoftim nga ATK rreth datave të deklarimit të Tatimeve

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